Community Courtyard
DReam Day on Cape Cod
Dream Day on Cape Cod is a Non-Profit Organization Based in Brewster, Massachusetts, dedicated to bringing respite into the lives of children with serious and/or life-threatening illnesses and their families.
For 31 years, Dream Day has helped hundreds of these families disconnect from the daily struggles of hospital and doctors’ visits and round-the clock care to reconnect with one another and to connect with others who understand and accept what they have been going through at its Camp Nan-Ke-Rafe, a 31-acre facility located adjacent to Nickerson State Park.

Foster MA
Children are sometimes temporarily placed in foster care because their parents aren’t able to give them the care that they need. The Department of Children & Families (DCF) first tries to place children with relatives. When that’s not possible, they enter foster care. There are all kinds of foster parents. You can be single or married, own a home or rent one. There’s a need for foster parents across Massachusetts, from all diverse backgrounds.